About us

Information about Maastricht in Cijfers.

What is Maastricht in Cijfers?

Maastricht in Cijfers (Maastricht in numbers) is an online portal with information and data about Maastricht. The data comes from public databanks and reports. The data gives an impression of the state of Maastricht, the inhabitants of Maastricht, and how they experience life and living in Maastricht.

For who is Maastricht in Cijfers?

Maastricht in Cijfers is for everyone who is interested in statistics and data about Maastricht. We try to present our data in an accessible manner. Interested citizens of Maastricht can get an impression of the state of their city or their neighbourhoods. Policy makers can find information to help them make decisions and shape policies.

Who manages Maastricht in Cijfers

Maastricht in Cijfers is managed by Team Datagedreven Sturen (team data-driven management) of the municipality of Maastricht. Do you have any questions for us about Maastricht in Cijfers? You can reach us here.